
资金 Opportunities for Projects, Conference Attendance, Research and 实习


  1. 学生会协会
    1. 补充
    2. Co-Sponsorships
    3. Out-of-Classroom基金
    4. 演讲人
    5. js激进主义
    6. 会议经费
  2. 学生机会基金
  3. 学生事务主任共同赞助
  4. 可持续发展项目 & 会议基金
  5. 超越奖项
  6. 环境研究实习奖
  7. 合作研究


SGA offers a few opportunities to students looking for funding as related to their 俱乐部活动、会议、活动等. 所有的应用程序都可以在附近 SGA编程办公室. SGA财务协调员可以帮助您 必要时进行申请. 下面列出的项目是除 发给已登记扶轮社的年度预算. 对预算过程感兴趣的人 对于俱乐部应该参观的 俱乐部的预算 页面.



A supplemental refers to the 请求 for additional funding for a club's initiative 或事件. All registered clubs, whether the received annual funding or not, may 请求 一个补充. 应用程序可在SGA编程办公室和 是在整个学年的滚动基础上考虑的吗. 请求补充 通常需要 两个星期. B&F委员会将与提出请求的扶轮社/组织/参议员会面并作出 向参议院提出建议,由参议院投票表决最终批准.

B&F Committee may vote on 一个补充 of $1,000 and below without the consent 参议院的. 任何价值超过1000美元的货币都需要参议院的批准. 这是由B决定的&F委员会提出1 000美元以下的补充 送交参议院.

A new club chartered at a point in the year that does not allow the club to participate in the spring budgeting process may obtain an operating budget by applying for 一个补充. Clubs chartered during the first semester may apply for up to $3,000, and clubs chartered 在第二学期可以申请高达1500美元.

Clubs/committees may apply for conference grants through the supplemental process 在一年中的任何时候.



SGA encourages co-sponsorship among clubs/committees and departments as a means of 融资活动. 有三种类型的共同赞助形式:俱乐部对俱乐部, 俱乐部到部门,部门到俱乐部. 所有参与共同赞助的各方 是否须签署《火博体育官网》,才可转移资助.



Created to expand your student-faculty relationship with coffee, lunch, musical performances, 剧院门票,体育赛事等等. 在课堂之外了解你的教授! 

提交的文件必须完整 一个 (1) week prior to scheduled meeting time, and student may receive up to $10 per person; 费用将在提交活动收据后报销. 酒精不是 覆盖.

在这里了解更多信息: http://www.火博体育.edu/sga/forms/out_of_classroom_discussion-fund.php



火博体育大学 Student 演讲人 provides guidance to student clubs and 组织策划、组织、宣传讲座. 学生 演讲人 provides funds to student clubs and organizations for the purpose 把演讲者带到火博体育. 我们支持有趣的,有教育意义的,多样化的,和 由其他学生团体推荐的各种有思想的演讲者. 一小部分 of the budget is also reserved for the 演讲人 to bring a special keynote 秋季校园演讲.

在这里了解更多信息: http://www.火博体育.edu/studentorgs/speakers/



的 JSS行动基金 was created in honor of Skidmore’s sixth President, Jamienne S. Studley, to enable students to participate in political and social activism or 扩大他们的社区参与意识、服务意识和意识. 的 Civic Engagement Fund was created to provide financial support for worthwhile student civic engagement projects that actively pursue the alleviation of public concerns 以及社区公共生活的改善. JSS行动主义和公民参与 基金是指既能实现个人目标的基金. 这笔基金是用来 所有的学生. 资金申请不能得到保证. 每一份申请都会被充分考虑, but the criteria within the document “Criteria for the js激进主义 and Civic Engagement “基金”将指导参议院拨款.

  • 这些是SGA资助的项目,只有火博体育的学生可以申请.
  • If students apply as a group they will not be reviewed individually, and must all 来参议院或提交个人陈述,如果他们不能参加.
  • No funds shall be awarded to applicants who apply after the event has passed.
  • Students may 请求 js激进主义 and Civic Engagement funds by filling out a JSS Activism and Civic Engagement Form and following the same process as 一个补充 请求.
  • Accepted applicants are bound by the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures (i.e., 登记费用、收据及免税).
  • Within a month of the completed conference/activism/engagement, accepted applicants must contact the Vice President for Communications and Outreach to be placed on the 沟通和外联委员会议程. 在这次会议上接受了申请人 will report on their experiences and assist in creating an appropriate plan to promote 并向学生们传授他们的经验.



会议奖助金是给SGA扶轮社/委员会的. 会议经费申请是 not guaranteed, even if the conference theme is the central mission of the club/committee. 每一份申请都会被充分考虑, but the criteria within the document “Criteria “为会议拨款”将指导B&F委员会建议它们的请求 参议院.

  • 这些是SGA资助的项目,只有火博体育的学生可以申请.
  • Clubs/committees may apply for conference grants through the supplemental process 在一年中的任何时候.
  • No funds shall be awarded to applicants who apply after the event has passed.
  • Accepted applicants are bound by the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures (i.e. 日志记录 费用、收据及免税情况).
  • Within a month of the completed conference/activism/engagement, accepted applicants must contact the Vice President for Communications and Outreach to be placed on the 沟通和外联委员会议程. 在这次会议上接受了申请人 will report on their experiences and assist in creating an appropriate plan to promote 并向学生们传授他们的经验.
  • Conference funds shall be pulled from the Program 支持 Fund and follow the same 作为补充请求处理.



的 学生机会基金, administered by the Dean of 学生事务, are provided by generous friends and alumni of the college and by the president of the college. 的 funds offer grants in support of worthwhile student cocurricular and leadership 倡议. 赠款可用于支付研究材料和用品的费用; for travel to a site critical to the project's completion, for attending a conference (especially when the student will make a presentation at the conference), for preparing 出版、展示等项目成果.  奖金数额通常在200美元到250美元之间 部分取决于每学期可用的总金额.

在这里了解更多信息: http://www.火博体育.edu/dean-students/student_opp_fund.php



的 Dean of 学生事务, and the various departments within the division, can help support student events if a 建议 is submitted to the relevant department. 提案应包括财务计划和对活动的解释. 可接受的 捐款一般为每个办公室/部门每次活动50美元.

在这里了解更多信息: http://www.火博体育.edu/dean-students/student-event-co-sponsorship.php



的 Sustainable Skidmore Office offers funding for students, faculty and staff in 为了促进校园的可持续发展. 这可以包括项目想法或出席情况 这些会议将有助于推动火博体育的可持续发展. 可持续性 encompasses three spheres of success: social equity, economic success and environmental 责任. 这通常被称为 三重底线. 可持续发展基金资助的项目来自 学生、职员或教员 这涉及可持续性和 提供参加会议的经费 这可以告知和促进校园社区在可持续发展方面的学习. 的可持续性 Fund will accept 建议s on a rolling basis and can provide up to $2,500 for each 建议. 额外的资金可用于特殊的倡议.

欲了解更多信息或申请,请联系李维·罗杰斯 lrogers@火博体育.edu.



SEE-Beyond Awards invite students to explore new techniques, technologies or modes of inquiry or expression; to apply their academic-year learning to real-world challenges; and to clarify the interrelationship between their educational and post-baccalaureate 目标. Awards may be used to support field or laboratory research, internships, artistic 实习、工作坊、学徒或制作.

在这里了解更多信息: http://www.火博体育.edu/see-beyond/about.php



的 Environmental Studies Summer Internship Awards are offered on a competitive basis to support Skidmore students who wish to undertake summer internships in fields related 转至环境研究. 实习经验应该以学生的经验为基础 academic and research interests in environmental studies and significantly enhance 并扩展这些兴趣和学生的个人学习目标. 实习 engage the student in environmental work on the local, national, or international 水平. 夏季奖学金的金额最高可达4000美元. 收件人将收到 8-10周至少260小时的实习津贴.



Various academic departments on campus offer collaborative research opportunities for students who wish to stay on campus over the summer to work on projects with faculty. Please check with your department chair or program director in order to understand 可能存在哪些机会.