

In consultation with the 领导活动办公室, some large 事件 may be required to use a ticketing and 腕带 system to ensure capacity limits. 领导 Activities can supply 腕带s, in which each allotment represents the maximum fire code room capacity for the venue used and specific furnishings configurations. 额外的 腕带可能不补充-这些数字是 最大允许出勤率/最大房间容量 法律规定的. 注意: Event capacities may need to be reduced if 事件 furnishings, including décor, tables, 显示等.不占任何地板空间.

All guests, working sponsor staff and anyone else in att结束ance must wear an entry 腕带.

The “ticket/腕带 station” must be separated from the entrance door to reduce 拥堵和混乱. 有关如何设置的更具体信息,请参阅下面 增加每个场馆的人员配置.


参加活动的每个人都算最大容量. 总房间容量包括所有 赞助会员及出席嘉宾及工作人员. 因此,除了一切 活动来宾,所有活动人员 & 任何赞助团队/组织成员或嘉宾也必须有 a 腕带, issued out of the original allotment that ensures compliance with room 法律规定的能力.


有些活动门票将售罄. 票务/手环站工作人员和活动负责人 need to keep an eye on the number of remaining 腕带s or tickets/capacity. If you are approaching sold-out status, it is wise to alert any waiting patrons that 这个活动很快就会售罄. “售罄”意味着没有其他人可以进入这个活动.

Once all capacity have been applied to guests (or all tickets distributed), no one 否则可能进入事件. 你已经达到了法律允许的最大容量. 祝贺你!

It remains the sponsors’ responsibility to enforce the limits and control the access 参加活动.

If you are sold out, please post this information at all building entrances and close 去售票站. 通知所有活动人员活动已售罄并继续 所有职位的人员配置. 

While re-entry is 不 permitted, once capacity is reached, additional att结束ees can 当其他与会者离开时,以一对一的方式入场.


工作人员ing the ticket station and/or entrance door can be hectic and stressful at times. Make sure that the work is distributed fairly among those committed to staffing the 事件. Event captains should check in regularly with all sponsor staff to allow for 上厕所和及时的“换岗”."

Please don’t abuse the most dedicated members of your team by burdening them with 一份不公平的工作. 一个健康的俱乐部可以计划合理的人员调动 在整个活动中. 提前计划,让每个人都清楚自己的期望. 使用 常识. Remind staff before the day of the 事件 that they must be sober and 准时换班. 他们必须完成全班,等待替换 离职前. 确保每个人都知道值班的活动队长,等等.


背包、行李袋、包裹等. 不被允许参加重大活动. 钱包 may be permitted, but will be checked for prohibited items such as alcohol, drugs 或武器. 

Anyone clearly intoxicated is 不 permitted to enter the 事件, and/or asked to leave.


If you wish, tickets may be sold in advance for your 事件 and exchanged for 腕带s 到达活动现场后. 这个过程需要更多的工作和提前计划 有些事件可能被证明是有益的. 与领导活动小组讨论你的比赛计划 在做出最终决定或宣传活动之前. 准备就绪,准备就绪 to sell tickets at the 信息 Desk or other locations on/off campus. 你可能 sell actual 腕带s in advance, as that defeats the counterfeit control and proper 活动赞助人员在赞助人身上使用腕带. 如果门票是 sold in advance, you must extract an equal number of 腕带s from the allotment 在持票人到达时为他们预留座位. 关键是你不能这样做 sell any of these 腕带s that are reserved for those who pre-bought tickets and 需要入场腕带吗.


In order to have a functional ticket station, your club must request appropriate cash (更改)提前向SGA财务协调员申请. 一定要要求 至少提前24小时. 这些资金必须在门票销售后立即退还 结束.

预计许多顾客只带着20美元的钞票来吧. 如果你的入场费是5美元,你就可以 需要很多5分和10分的. 如果你收取3美元,那么你将需要大量的15、5和10.


For all parties and dances, all att结束ees must 第一个 come to the Ticket Station to pay their admission, present their pre-purchased ticket* (if tickets were sold in advance) or request entry 参加活动 (if the 事件 is has no admission charge).

*注意: 如果门票是 sold in advance, entrance policies must be stated on the tickets!

1. In all cases, prior to accepting payment or a valid pre-purchased ticket, you must 第一个 要求并检查任何要求进入的人的身份证件. 没有有效证件的客人 不能凭身份证进入派对. 给您带来的不便深表歉意 and assure them that this is standard college policy and 不 specific to them. 你 没有破例的权力吗. 如果你需要协助处理任何 person denied entrance, please inform the Campus Safety staff on duty to assist you.

2. The 第一个 事件 staff person accepting payment and making change must complete 入场手环的交易.

3. 然后,第二个活动工作人员可以使用腕带. 腕带必须是 由活动工作人员申请,而非参加者本人. 腕带必须充分戴上 紧到不能移动,但不能收缩血液流动. 最佳实践是应用 腕带一直戴在同一只手上,我.e. 总是左手.

4. Once a 腕带 has been applied at the ticket station, att结束ees may enter the 事件 only through the designated lower level entrance by displaying their entry credentials (腕带).


  • 只有佩戴腕带才能进入. 没有借口. 没有例外. 一致性使 该制度是公平和受尊重的.
  • The staff working the entrance doors is responsible for inspecting every 腕带 寻找篡改或重复使用的迹象.
  • If a 腕带 has been cut, broken or stretched (implying that it was issued to a不her 和重复使用)它是无效的入口. 告知被损坏、篡改的人 or reused 腕带s are 不 acceptable and ask them to remove the invalid 腕带 在你面前,收集并丢弃它. 如有需要,聘请校园安全人员.
  • All 事件 staff and any sponsor team/club members or guests must also have a 腕带, issued out of the original allotment that ensures compliance with room capacities 法律规定的. 房间总容量 包括 所有赞助会员及职员. (参加活动的每个人都算最大容量.)
  • Re-entry to 事件 is often restricted, but exceptions may be made in consultation 领导活动和校园安全


Be sure your 事件 staff is aware of the best entrances and exits for guests with mobility issues who might be using wheelchairs or crutches or require special parking 注意事项. 看到 创建包容性活动 了解更多信息.


Event staff working any designated exit doors are responsible for maintaining the 门作为事件的“出口”. 任何人,包括俱乐部成员,都不得进入 these doors with the exception of the on-duty 事件 captains and Skidmore professional 工作人员(校园安全,餐饮服务等). 礼貌地引导客人 回到入口.

Consider a training workshop for 事件 security for students who will be working these 事件. The Campus Safety officer in charge of the 事件 will brief all student workers about appropriate safety and emergency procedures at the pre-事件 meeting. 这些 大型活动可能需要召开会议.