

From the moment you arrive on campus there is plenty here for you to do! 我们有 more than 80 clubs, and the first few days of orientation are filled with activities to help you ease your way into Skidmore life.

  • 俱乐部展示
  • 冰淇淋社交
  • Singing to the President
  • 滑雪比赛

Below are some of the traditional events and weekly happenings on our campus:


See what Skidmore students like to do when they aren’t studying. 四处走走 the rows of tables, chat with current club members, find out what club events are 最 well known, take information and sign up to join the clubs that you'll enjoy 最


Every Friday and Saturday night there's an event in the Spa. From Guitar Hero competition to nationally known comics and bands, there's something for everyone. 最近的表现 have included Christian Finnegan, Aziz Ansari and Les Sans Culottes.


When the weather is nice on Friday afternoons, students come out onto the green, the middle of campus, to hang out, play Frisbee and listen to some great music from various student and nationally known artists. In recent years members of Soulive, Dr. 狗 and Titus Andronicus have graced our outdoor stage.


Organized by the senior class, 啤酒节 is the first of many full weekends of fun! In the spirit of fall you will enjoy unique activities, apple cider, doughnuts and more!


The junior class has the chance to dazzle the Skidmore community with a spectacular list of activities including a student art show in the Tang Museum, semi-formal dance, holiday tree-lighting ceremony and an ever-evolving array of other events.

Student Entertainment Committee 音乐会

Music, dancing and good times arrive when SEC brings in their fall and spring entertainment open to campus and community. From small indie bands in Falstaff's to internationally known rock and hip hop stars in the big gym, there's always something. 最近的演唱会 have included Girl Talk, RJD2, Wilco, of Montreal and many more.  Take a look at SEC leaders Pat and Julia talking about getting ready for 灰熊 在09年秋天!


The first year class council gets their chance to organize another full weekend of 事件和活动. A comedy festival, dance, fireworks and a class brunch are some of 最 exciting events to put an end to cabin fever!


Join the sophomore class council as they celebrate nice weather and the end of the academic year with a spring semi-formal and other fun activities before final exams 开始!


Inflatable games, cotton candy, dunk tank, BBQ, music, all out on the campus green. Skidmore’s last hoorah of the semester!


  • Lively Lucy’s Coffee House with great indie/folk music on Thursday evenings.
  • 俱乐部舞会
  • 时装表演
  • Sponsored trips to New York City
  • 音乐剧
  • A capella and dance performances