


Social media platforms are powerful communication tools that can have a significant 对组织和职业声誉的影响. 因为它们相当新 to employees and can blur the lines between personal voice and institutional voice, HR has crafted the following advice for Skidmore employees to help clarify how best to enhance and protect personal and professional reputations when participating in 社交媒体.

Social media are defined as media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, 使用高度可访问和可扩展的发布技术创建. 例子包括 但不限于博客、LinkedIn、Twitter、Facebook和你Tube.

Both in professional and institutional roles, employees need to follow the same behavioral 就像在现实生活中一样. 同样的法则,同样的职业期望 and guidelines for interacting with students, parents, alumni, donors, media and other 大学毕业生像在现实世界中一样在网上申请.


The keys to success in 社交媒体 are being honest about who you are, being thoughtful before 你的帖子, and respecting the purpose of the community where you are posting.

保护机密和专有信息: Do not post confidential information about 火博体育大学, students, employees 或校友. 员工必须遵守所有适用的联邦要求(如.g.、家庭 Educational Rights and Privacy Act, FERPA) and college privacy and confidentiality 政策和做法. 分享机密信息的员工是在办公室里这样做的 潜在的纪律处分或解雇风险.

尊重版权和合理使用: When posting, be mindful of and act in accordance with the copyright and intellectual 他人及学院之财产权. 如需指导,请咨询学院 版权政策.

不要使用Skidmore商标或水印作为背书: Do not use the Skidmore logo or any other college images on personal 社交媒体 网站. 不要用火博体育的名字来宣传产品,事业或政党 候选人.

清楚地表明你的观点是你自己的;If you choose to identify yourself as a 火博体育大学 employee on a personal website, a social networking site, blog or other 社交媒体, you are expected to also make clear that you are not authorized to speak on behalf of Skidmore, that the views you 你的观点是你个人的,并不一定反映火博体育的观点. This may be accomplished by posting the following disclaimer: “I am not authorized to speak on behalf of 火博体育大学 and the views expressed on 这 website/blog/site 是我个人的观点,并不一定反映火博体育学院的观点.”

如果您是部门主管或管理员,这一点尤为重要. 你 还应该始终使用“第一人称”叙述(例如.g.“今天我是 要…).

Should you discuss 火博体育大学’s programs or services on 社交媒体, you must 透露你是火博体育的员工.

尊重: 尊重 of and do not disparage Skidmore, students, other employees, vendors, 供应商及其他机构. 不要向主管发泄个人不满; co-workers or Skidmore, or engage in name-calling or other behavior that will reflect 对你和火博体育的名誉不利.

尊重学生的时间和财产: The college technology infrastructure (including, but not limited to computers, printers and network) and time on the job are reserved for college-related business as approved 由主管和按照学院的 商业行为准则 文档. 使用社交媒体不应该干扰工作.

遵守学校政策: College policies apply to employee activity on 社交媒体 as they would in other 场馆. 员工不应该使用社交媒体进行骚扰、威胁、歧视 或贬低员工或其他与火博体育有关的人. 员工不得提供 在社交媒体上为其他人提供参考. 根据火博体育的政策 on employment verification and references, only 人力资源 may verify employment 或者提供现任或前任员工的推荐信.

服务条款: Read, understand and obey the terms of service of any 社交媒体platform employed.



This section provides HR advice for those posting on behalf of an official college unit/department though the guidelines may be helpful for anyone posting on social 任何身份的媒体网站.

三思而后发: 在社交媒体的世界里,绝对的隐私是不存在的. 想想看 happen if a post becomes widely known and how that may reflect both on the poster 还有大学. 搜索引擎有时会在帖子创建多年后找到它们 (即使它们已经被删除),并且评论可以转发或复制. If you wouldn’t say it at a conference or to a member of the media, consider whether 你应该把它发布到网上. 如果你不确定发布什么或回应 要发表评论,请您的主管输入或联系通信在ext. 5733.

力求准确: 在发布到社交媒体网站之前,先弄清楚事实. 最好是 首先核实信息,而不是稍后发布更正或撤回. Cite 尽可能链接到你的资料来源. 复习语法和拼写内容 错误. This is especially important if posting on behalf of the college in any capacity.

尊重他人: Understand the content contributed to a 社交媒体 site could encourage comments 或者讨论相反的观点. 应对措施应慎重考虑 of how they would reflect on the poster and/or the college and its institutional voice.

记住你的听众: Be aware that a presence in the 社交媒体 world is or easily can be made available 向广大公众开放. 这包括未来的学生,现在的学生,未来的学生 员工,在职员工和同事,以及同事. 在发布之前要考虑这一点 确保帖子不会疏远、伤害或激怒这些群体中的任何一个.

是透明的: 对你的身份诚实.

注意责任: 你 are legally liable for what 你的帖子 on your own site and the site of others. Individual bloggers have been held liable for commentary deemed to be proprietary, 版权、诽谤性、诽谤性或淫秽性(由法院定义).

保护你的身份: While you want to be honest about yourself, don’t provide personal information that 骗子或身份窃贼可以用来对付你. 不要列出你的家庭住址 或者电话号码,或者你的工作电话或电子邮件地址. 这是个好主意 创建一个单独的电子邮件地址,只用于社交媒体网站.

遵守道德准则: There are numerous codes of ethics for bloggers and other active participants in 社交媒体, all of which will help you participate responsibly in online communities.



If 你的帖子 on behalf of an official college department/unit, the following advice should also be considered in addition to the advice and best practices listed above.

通知学院: Departments or units that have a 社交媒体 site or would like to start one should 联系通讯和营销副总裁(分机). 5733). 请联系 the VP to ensure that all college 社交媒体 网站 coordinate with other college 网站及其内容.

承认你是谁: If you are representing Skidmore when posting on 社交媒体 platforms, acknowledge 这. Discuss with your supervisor when you are empowered to respond directly to users 当你需要别人的认可时.

深思熟虑: If you have any questions about whether it is appropriate to write about certain kinds of material in your role as a Skidmore employee, ask your supervisor before 你的帖子.

制定一个计划: Departments should consider their messages, audiences and goals as well as strategy 让社交媒体网站上的信息保持最新. 通讯办公室 和Marketing可以为你的社交媒体规划提供帮助和建议.

保护机构的声音: Posts on 社交媒体 网站 should protect the college’s institutional voice by remaining 语气专业,品味高尚. 如果你看到负面的意见,消极的 comments or criticism about Skidmore, do not try to have the post removed or send/post 书面答复. 相反,将此信息转发给通讯副总裁 和媒体ext. (5733),谁将采取适当的行动.


Materials in 这 advice were developed using 社交媒体 policy and information 刊登在波尔州立大学和德保罗大学的网站上.

火博体育学院员工政策 & 程序