

The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or illegal use of controlled 除处方外,火博体育学院禁止使用这些物质. 大学政策 还禁止任何人持有或饮用含酒精饮料 不满21岁的. 对于任何超过21岁的员工,学校政策禁止 the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages unless they are attending a college-sponsored 提供酒精饮料的活动.

Violation of this policy on property owned or controlled by 火博体育大学, including the use of college-owned or -controlled motor vehicles, will result in college sanctions appropriate to the situation and will not protect employees or students from arrest or prosecution by civil authorities for illegal involvement 吸毒或酗酒.

火博体育学院有一个全面的项目来支持它的毒品政策 以及酒精使用/滥用. 该计划包括(1)教育信息和节目; (2)员工自愿援助计划;(3)纪律措施.

  1. 教育
    1. Program coordinator: The President of 火博体育大学 has appointed the Associate Vice President of Business Affairs and Director of 人力资源, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty and the Dean of 学生事务 to be responsible for college compliance with all federal and state legislation, orders and regulations having to do with Drug-Free Workplace Act, and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities 法修正案. 这些职责应至少包括一次年度审查,以确定 the effectiveness of the program and the implementation of changes if they are needed, 并确保其纪律制裁得到持续执行. 人力资源 will also coordinate the annual distribution of the current policy statement to each 雇员和学生.
    2. 教育 and training: The college's educational, training and counseling programs are available to ensure that all members of the college community know the college's policy regarding drug 以及酒精使用/滥用 and the availability and services of the 员工援助计划.
    3. Health statement: The physical effects of drug 以及酒精使用/滥用 vary from individual 个人. 在大剂量下,这些影响可能包括严重的毒性反应,如 比如抽搐,循环衰竭,昏迷和死亡. 急性使用的其他影响 may include but are not limited to abnormal alertness, increased motor activity, drowsiness, 失去控制,脉搏不规则或快速,恶心和呕吐.

      The available evidence substantiating the relationship between alcohol and other drugs and behavioral problems, emotional problems, accidents, suicide, physical illness, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, acquaintance rape, violence 受损学习是引人注目的.

  2. 员工援助
    1. 员工援助计划 (EAP): A confidential referral service for employees is available for those faculty and staff who request assistance with alcohol and drug 依赖. 所有与员工药物有关的医疗和/或康复记录 以及酒精使用/滥用,包括身份、诊断、预后或 治疗是保密的,只有在法律授权的情况下才能披露. 以书面 consent, the employee may authorize the disclosure of those records to the college 用于验证治疗或对治疗进展进行一般评估.
  1. 纪律处分
    1. Findings: An employee may be found to use alcohol or illegal drugs on the basis of any appropriate evidence including, but not limited to, direct observation, evidence 因逮捕、犯罪定罪或自愿认罪而获得的.
    2. Interim action for faculty and staff: Any employee found to use alcohol or illegal drugs shall be referred to the EAP and may be removed immediately from that position. At the discretion of the Associate Vice President of Business Affairs and Director of 人力资源, in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of 适当时的教员, and as part of the EAP, an employee may return to 在符合就业援助计划规定的待遇和条件的情况下工作.
    3. 对学生的临时措施和处罚:任何学生被发现使用酒精 或者非法药品,按照《火博体育官网》的规定办理 学生手册. 每个学生都收到一本学生手册.
    4. College sanctions for faculty and staff: Appropriate disciplinary proceedings will be initiated by the Associate Vice President of Business Affairs and Director of Human Resources, in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of 适当时的教员. 全面的纪律处分,包括 解除(根据适用的条款) 教师手册, 员工手册 或适用的工会协议)将适用. 制裁应取决于 涉嫌违反这一政策的情况.

      强制性披露:根据1988年的《火博体育官网》 college requires that, as a condition of employment, an employee must notify the college in writing of any criminal drug statute convictions for a violation occurring in the 在定罪后五天内到工作地点. 学院必须通知 federal contracting agency within 10 days of having received such notice and report 在获悉此种定罪后30天内采取的行动. 未能做出 所要求的披露可能导致解雇诉讼.

    5. Legal sanctions: The imposition of college sanctions for policy violations will not protect employees from arrest or prosecution by civil authorities for illegal involvement 吸毒或酗酒. 相关的纽约州和地方法律,包括:

      Under New York State law, possession of illicit drugs, or possession of illicit drugs with the intent to sell, or the sale of such drugs is classified as a criminal offense. Penalties include, but are not limited to, imprisonment up to a maximum of life, probation 一年至终身监禁,以及最高10万美元的罚款. 这样的活动 也可能违反联邦刑法,后者同样会受到严厉的处罚.

      Under New York State law it is unlawful for a person under age 21 to possess alcohol with the intent to consume, except if the alcohol is given pursuant to an educational 课程或由父母或监护人提供. 这种非法行为应受到惩罚 as an offense and the penalties include, but are not limited to, a fine of $50 and 由民事执法人员没收的酒.

      Under New York State law it is unlawful to give, sell or cause to be given or sold alcohol to a person under 21 years of age, except if you are a parent, guardian or 依照教育课程. 这种非法行为应作为犯罪加以惩处 处罚包括但不限于监禁最高可达 six months, fines up to a maximum of $500 and probation up to a maximum of one year.

      萨拉托加温泉市 has an "open container" law, which prohibits the possession of any open bottle or container containing liquor, beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages 当这个人在任何公共高速公路,公共街道,公共人行道,公共 parking area or in any vehicle or public place excepting those premises duly licensed 用于销售和消费酒精饮料. 违反这项法律要受到惩罚 对初犯处以罚款或在县监狱服刑10天,或两者兼而有之.


火博体育学院员工政策 & 程序