

问:什么是仇恨犯罪?   回答

纽约州法律对仇恨犯罪的定义是(标题Y:第485条.05 -仇恨犯罪),详情如下:

A person commits 仇恨犯罪 when they commit a specified offense and either:

a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether 信念或感知是正确的,或者

b) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.

Note: All hate crimes are 偏差事件, but not all 偏差事件 are hate crimes.


问:仇恨犯罪的例子有哪些?   回答

Painting racial slurs on the side of a campus building, assaulting another person because of their perceived national origin, or throwing a rock through someone’s window while yelling derogatory comments about their religion are hypothetical examples of 仇恨犯罪.


问:什么是偏见事件?   回答

Skidmore defines a bias 事件 as an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation involving a member of the Skidmore community that a reasonable person would conclude is directed at a member or group within the Skidmore community based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, economic background, age, physical and mental health or ability, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, 或者宗教活动. 无论行为是故意的还是故意的,都可能发生偏见事件 非故意的. Speech or expression that is consistent with the principles of academic 自由不构成偏见事件.


问:有哪些偏见事件的例子?   回答

Depending on the totality of the circumstances, writing a racial epithet in erasable marker on someone’s dry-erase board, making fun of another person because of their language or accent, or making insulting comments about someone’s traditional manner of dress or geographic origin are hypothetical examples of a bias-related 事件.


问题:骚扰的资源是什么?   回答

偏见应对小组不处理性骚扰指控. 请直接提问 or reports 到 Associate Director of Equal Emploment Opportunity and Workforce 多样性. 点击此链接查看 反骚扰政策.


问:这些事件多久发生一次?   回答

We do not currently have statistics regarding the frequency of bias-related 事件s on campus since the College has not had a comprehensive mechanism for reporting bias-related 不构成犯罪的事件. 我们新的报告程序旨在 encourage more complete reporting, and will allow us to better track the frequency 将来发生类似事件.


问:我可以向谁报告事故?   回答

Any member of the 火博体育大学 community – or any group of persons within the community – who observes or is the target of a bias 事件 or hate crime is strongly encouraged to report the 事件 as soon as possible to 校园安全 (518-580-5566). 校园安全 will document what happened, including where and when the 事件 occurred, 受害者的名字,证人的名字,如果有的话. 只要有可能,个别人士 who observe the 事件 should not touch or disturb any physical evidence related 对于这一事件. 您也可以填写 偏见事件报告表格.

Any person or group may also opt to contact any of the following individuals or offices:

  • any 住宅生活 staff member; 住宅生活 安·玛丽·普兹瓦拉,总监518.580.5765 (ext. 5765)  
  • 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长 艾德里安包蒂斯塔 518.580.5760 (ext. 5760)            

  • 校园安全蒂姆·蒙罗,主任518.580.5566 (ext. 5566)校园安全可用 24/7.            

  • 学生多元化计划 克里斯·巴恩斯主任            

  • 咨询中心 安迪Demaree,总监518.580.5550 (ext. 5550)            

  • 卫生服务 阿比盖尔考德威尔她是临床服务部主任.580.5555 (ext. 5555)                   

  • 人力资源 Assistant Director of EEO and Workforce 多样性 518.580.5819             

  • 校园生活 马里埃尔L. 马丁负责学生事务、校园生活和参与的副院长.580.8212 (ext. 8212)  

  • 学生的行为 Soha Jafarzade,助理主任.580.5782
  • 学生学术服务 贾敏Totino主任 Subhan阿里, 国际学生和学者顾问.580.8150 (ext. 8150)
  • 学术部门主席或学术顾问.

These individuals will work closely with the person or groups affected in determining where to direct the complaint and how the College might respond effectively 到 事件.


问题:什么是偏见反应小组?   回答

The members of the 偏见反应组 are charged with two distinct but related responsibilities. First, they constitute the College’s first-response team in dealing with reported 偏差事件. Second, working with other appropriate individuals, offices, and organizations, they will play an educational role in helping to foster a climate of openness and inclusion on the Skidmore campus, a climate that is intolerant of harassment or discrimination 针对火博体育社区的任何成员. 鉴于学院的广泛教育 mission, it is important that the Bias Response Team involve representatives from both academic and co-curricular programs, members of the faculty and staff, and students in its ongoing, proactive efforts to sustain of the desired campus climate.


问:谁是偏见应对小组的成员?   回答

  • 两个学生,其中一个将成为SGA包容性副总裁 & 外展;
  • Assistant Director of 人力资源 for EEO and Workforce 多样性;
  • 学生多样性项目主任;
  • 跨文化研究主任或其他学术领导;
  • One faculty member appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Faculty 执行委员会;
  • One additional 学生事务 representative (at the level of Associate Dean or higher).


问:我怎样才能参与进来?   回答

There are several opportunities to help stop hate and bias on our campus. 请 到 学生多样性项目办公室 website for a list of clubs and organizations dedicated to social justice and education 并查看即将到来的校园多元化活动和项目.