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Request For Senior Recital Audition

The student must have their instructor's permission to audition for a senior recital prior to submitting this form.

  • Senior Recital Auditions will be held in the Ladd Concert Hall on 12月8日星期五th 9 am-4pm之间.  经典 auditions will be held from 9am-1pm and 爵士乐 auditions 从1-4pm.
  • Performers are expected to prepare half of their recital program for the audition, which generally results in 30 minutes of music.  The judges will select approximately 20-25 minutes of music for the audition.
  • Please refer to the links below for specific recital repertoire expectations:

    1. 经典 (or classical hybrid) senior recital
    2. 爵士乐 senior recital
  • Performers will be notified immediately following the audition if they have been granted 一个独奏.

    If granted 一个独奏, performers will receive an email invitation to immediately schedule a meeting with Zankel Managing Director, Zhenelle 勒贝尔 博士和. Stoner to choose a concert date and discuss procedures.

注意: The deadline for submission of this form is Monday, November 20, 2023.

If you have further questions, please contact Sylvia Stoner-Hawkins


Please check the box next to the type of recital you are planning to present:
Has your instructor approved this senior recital audition?